14th June 2024 - remember how your body feels, your heart loves, your soul speaks
Dear reader,
What is your most recent aha moment? One of those times when it suddenly just clicked - you realized what is truly important to you, what your next step is or what it is that you actually need right now?
How did you get to that insight? What were you doing, who were you speaking to, how did your body feel?
Our most deepest understanding doesn't come from grasping new information, but is rooted in remembering. Less about the details you receive, but more about what moves inside of you when soaking up the message. Your inner knowing happens when your mindset shifts in alignment with your body's whispers.
What you really need more of is silence to hear your heart speak - to feel your body respond. What happens when you drop the pressure, let go of the urgency, stop comparing yourself and don't take another opinion personally and you return to yourself? The voice you can hear speaking with fear or doubt is not your own. Your true voice within knows that you are perfect as you are.
"Love does not want or fear anything" - Eckhart Tolle
Personally I'm practicing this at the moment: 'it is never about me'. When I'm being judged (or I worry I may be), when I'm being misunderstood (or I feel I may be) or when someone is projecting onto me (and I fear it may be me). I can listen to my ego, take it personally and spiral into overthinking, protect myself from feeling the fear of being rejected, not being good enough and not belonging. Or I can feel the fear and do it anyway, make mistakes along the way and learn to trust that I am safe when I am myself authentically. Returning to myself is remembering how my body feels, my heart loves, my soul speaks and it takes time to listen.
Summer is here in Ireland and the lush green with birdsong is constantly reminding me of my inner sunshine whenever I stop and enjoy. Deep down we are all little solar panels remembering that only if we take time to charge, we can shine our light.
Looking forward to a few wholesome events and you can find info below if you want to join me under the sun. You're welcome to connect with me if you'd love to hold a mindful session or workshop for your team, community or friends group. I'm here to listen in a supportive 1:1 coaching space for you or someone you love - you can explore if that feels good in a free consultation.
Love to read your reflections if you want to write me back.

Coming up:
Summer Solstice circle sunrise beach Portmarnock - Thur 20th June
Summer Solstice circle sunrise Hot Box Sauna Graiguenamanagh - Sat 22nd June
Weekly mindful gathering in Kilkenny - Thur 7:30pm
1:1 coaching space - free consultation available
Reach out to organise a wellness session or workshop for your team or group